2022 Halloween Special!
And previous holiday specials on our Vimeo page.

Check out Penny's Dark Shadows podcast, Terror at Colinwood at
her official podcast site or at Apple Podcasts!

We are now offering Garou Tote Bags
100% of profits will be donated to the American Cancer Society, in memory of Magoo Gelehrter.


Manfred Garou Garou Penny Luna
Click on the horror hosts above to learn more about Penny Dreadful, Garou, Dr. Manfred Von Bulow, and Luna.
New England's Most HEXellent Horror-Host Program featuring a Film of TERROR Every Week!


A Special Thank You to Funders of our Season 9 Indiegogo Campaign

Website designed and maintained by Rebecca Paiva
All material on these pages is copyrighted Penny Dreadful's Shilling Shockers, © 2005–